Dataset Details
Dataset Name: Ordnance Survey Normal Map
Abbreviation: Ordnance Survey Normal Map
Cost: Free
Provider: Ordnance Survey
Covered Area(s): UK
Available Year(s)/ Update Frequency: Every Year
Resolution Used: N/A
Related Article(s)
Authors: Cooper et al., (2010)
Citation: Cooper, A. R., Page, A. S., Wheeler, B. W., Hillsdon, M., Griew, P., & Jago, R. (2010). Patterns of GPS measured time outdoors after school and objective physical activity in English children: the PEACH project. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 7, 1-9.
Health Conditions/Application Areas: Children Physical Activity -
Authors: Southward et al., (2012)
Citation: Southward, E. F., Page, A. S., Wheeler, B. W., & Cooper, A. R. (2012). Contribution of the school journey to daily physical activity in children aged 11–12 years. American journal of preventive medicine, 43(2), 201-204.
Health Conditions/Application Areas: Children Physical Activity